Tuesday, May 22, 2007 @2:43 PM
Happy Birthday Ho Yin!!! (As if he's going to see this...Nvm...)
Congratulations to Sharon!! You've officially graduated from SP! xD
ARGH I need to stop coughing. Wonder how is it going to stop when my GP only gave me medicine for my throat. -Gup gup- More water!!! Feel like dying. Now plus flu. Why is it getting worse -__________-
Wizet patcher. Oh my. I want to maple...Feeling so bored. Think it's going to take super long cos my brother is downloading 2 files and maxing out the bandwidth when he's not even at home. Crap.
And after typing this line, the patch is done! HOORAY!!! Go go Jigglypig!
Breakaway I'm living for You
Breakaway I'm living for truth
Monday, May 21, 2007 @9:16 PM
This is me, disappearing and appearing from time to time. For the past weeks, the unemployed me entered the world of MapleStory, roaming about in Cassiopeia to become the greatest Wizard!(Actually still a 'Magician', low level somemore...) It was to kill time since I'm neither working nor studying. In the day, it's boredom without the computer. Then my phone starts ringing cos of the smses that I sent out. So thankful for korkor. He always reply xD If not would be working out at the gym but the weather spoils everything. At night, it's slightly better because of TV.
I'm in poor health. Even though I sleep early and wake up late, drink enough water, keep away from fried food whenever possible, work out at the gym weekly, and yet, I've fallen sick. AW. The only possible combo reason: LJS dinner + cold water bath at night + proper sleep of only one hour that night + a long day serving in church on Sun. HAIZ. It's not the first time. Serving in ministry makes me stressed. Can't sleep well on Sat nights!!! I like what I'm doing...I set a high expectation of myself and also of others to do it well...I expect no mistakes...Side board matters a lot to me. Main board is constantly on my mind as well. Does that result in stress? I don't even have this problem when I take my exams -_- Always sleep like a dead log...Always.

Need to pull through for Emerge! Be properly equipped with necessary skills, no more worries la. Stop the stress.
Taking my second blood test next week and must be fully recovered by then!! I can't afford to fall sick.
Gotta make decisions, and that s*cks. I need more time to think and consider. Engineering? Radiography? ARGHS. TV is still better...Good entertainment...
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 @12:24 PM
I just pissed my brother off. That is not good testimony. I confess, I repent.
Still, it's human nature. When your patience gets tested, you snapped, easily. I thought(yes I assume always) he's eyeing for the computer since he was sitting beside me for almost an hour. There is almost zero privacy so beware of what you type on MSN while chatting with me. He always does that if he wants the computer. Look and sit and wait until I "surrender".
Then he asked, "What time are you leaving the house?"
"You can't wait for me to leave?!"
That was my reply. So harsh. It was unintentional. Didn't expect myself to blurt that out. He left the house within the next 3 minutes. Fine, my fault this time. I need my own pc or laptop.
Where is my acceptance letter? =(